
Nurturing smiles from a decade

Treatments offered at Happy32

Treatments which can be planned and executed include General, cosmetic, preventive

Painless extraction

Dental extractions can cause most of you to worry but stay calm. Even if you need one we will make sure you that it is comfortable and painless for you. Local anaesthetics and if needed medicines like antibiotics and antinflamatory drugs will be prescribed to you. Doctors will also encourage you to inform about any other health problem like Diabetes or blood pressure. Needed precautions will be taken. Third molar extractions might require a planned a surgical appointment. But it too will be kept painless and comfortable.


This is quite a successful treatment to retain your teeth if they have a deep cavity or small cracks or even if they have worn out too much causing pain and sensitivity. RCT is possible in a single or multiple sittings depending on the infection or state of your tooth. Most of the times it shall be completely painless and we have worked upon removing the RCT related fear for most of our patients.


Being one of the best treatment option to replace missing teeth. A 3D scan or CBCT is usually advised after a primary discussion, and bone conditions are studied, Implants also help to preserve bone and the lost function.


These have a time tested treatment option for fractured or worn out teeth or post RCT. We can provide full ceramic, zirconia or metal ceramic crowns as suitable.

Disimpaction/ third molar surgeries

Wisdom tooth may errupt normally like any other tooth but sometimes it just cannot, it may need removal to ease down your symptoms. We believe in team work. Our oral surgeon will make the wisdom teeth removal a not so difficult experience for you.


Missing teeth can also be repalced with crowns on adjacent teeth. Replacing teeth helps to improve the appearance and also helps you to chew. There are different type of materials which can be used. Metal ceramic or full ceramic bridges could be possible for your treatment.


Esthetic needs to make your smile look prettier and natural is a priority. This may involve use of veneers like E max or other ceramic materials. These are used to beautify your smile and can make a great difference if you are looking for perfect teeth.


Loss of teeth may sometimes require removable dentures. This is needed if the near by teeth are either absent or not strong enough to support a bridge. Flexible dentures, Metallic Dentures or conventional pink dentures can be done as the need suggests. This is also is a very pocket friendly treatment

Fluoride treatments

These can be applied as gels over your teeth if you are very prone to cavities. This is a safe and quick procedure but also needs your cooperation and oral hygiene care. These treatments may need annual check ups and reapplication.

Fillings or Restoration

Dental cavities in early stages may need dental fillings. We prefer to do tooth coloured fillings to match well with your tooth. This is a painless and conservative procedure.

Diaestema correction

Midline Diaestema or spaces between teeth can be corrected by a filling or composite veneer or even crowns. All options can be discussed and the best suitable for you can be planned.

Pediatric and special kids

The extra care and patience needed to handle kids and even special young adults will require specific appointment . By God’s grace we have helped kids with downs syndrome and autism and ones with extreme dental fear to overcome it and get the needed treatments done.

Full mouth Rehabilitation

A long and well planned procedure to preserve your oral health. Preserving natural teeth as much possible with a conservative treatment plan. These procedures require a lot of planning and may require a lot of time but we make sure you understand the reason for the same and happily participate in your treatment.

Scaling and polishing

Gums and teeth together form the foundation of healthy mouth. The gums health can be maintained with regular brushing and flossing. But there are certain diseased states of mouth when the plaque and tartar needs to be removed by procedures like scaling and polishing. These are painless, very safe and conservative procedures which will improve your oral health. Timely check ups can avoid extensive damage to gums and teeth.


Do you have night grinding habit..??? this can come to help. A very conservative way to protect your teeth from unwanted wear.

Tooth whitening

Tooth whitening requires further treatment after scaling process and may require application of certain chemicals. You can freely discuss the need of the whitening for your teeth and its pros and cons with us.

Make an Appointment

Appointment timings Weekdays- 5:00 P.M. to 9:00 P.M. Morning & Sunday by prior appointment only.

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We value your time and hence you would be attended at the scheduled time.

We try to keep the waiting time minimum. Teleconsultation for the pandemic times can be possible after a telephonic conversation.


42A, Chandi Ghosh Road , Kolkata-700040, Tollygunge.
Landmark: Near Kudghat metro station, wireless crossing.


We will be approachable at the following numbers for appointments.